Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Risk management process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Risk management process - Essay Example This paper gives a critical analysis of a diagrammatic representation of the steps of risk management. This is achieved in conjunction with a detailed evaluation of the journal article â€Å"Understanding Risk Management in Small 7 Steps† (Mazareanu, 2011). Figure 1 below presents the 6 major steps in risk management. Nonetheless the article â€Å"Understanding Risk Management in Small 7 Steps† breaks down the steps of risk management process into seven small steps. It is however notable that the journal article describes the major areas in risk management sufficiently in scope (Mazareanu, 2011). In accordance to Fig 1 above, the process of risk management begins with the assessment of risk. Mazareanu (2011), in the journal article, describes this stage as the assessment of vulnerabilities. Nonetheless this translates to the same meaning. Therefore the risk management process begins with the assessment of both internal and external factors which makes individuals or organizations vulnerable to risk. In the assessment of risk, it is necessary to consider the assets that are at stake and the level of vulnerability that they are exposed to incase of a disaster, accident or failure (Burnaby & Hass, 2009). The diagram shows that after the assessment of risk, the process of risk management is followed by the development of goals and objectives of the management process. These goals and objectives acts as a roadmap against which the processes of risk management are measured (LAbbate, 2008). Fig 1 illustrates various considerations in the design of objectives and goals of the risk management process. Firstly, policy issues must be considered because they have a direct effect on the implementation of the risk management processes and project. Secondly, the standards for cleanup are designed. These are the guidelines which limit the extent to which risks are

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wernicke’s Area and Speech Production Essay Example for Free

Wernicke’s Area and Speech Production Essay Wernicke’s Area Wernickes area is the region of the brain where spoken language is understood. Neurologist Carl Wernicke is credited with discovering the function of this brain region. The Wernickes area is located on the temporal lobe on the left side of the brain and is responsible for the comprehension of speech (Brocas area is related to the production of speech). Language development or usage can be seriously impaired by damage to this area of the brain. Functions of Wernicke’s Area includes: ââ€"  Language Comprehension ââ€"  Semantic Processing ââ€"  Language Recognition ââ€"  Language Interpretation Speech Production Speech production is the process by which spoken words are selected to be produced, have their phonetics formulated and then finally are articulated by the motor system in the vocal apparatus.  The production of spoken language involves three major levels of processing. The first is the processes of conceptualization in which the intention to create speech links a desired concept to a particular spoken word to be expressed. Here the preverbal intended messages are formulated that specify the concepts to be verbally expressed. This is a competitive process in which an appropriate word is selected among a cohort of candidates. The second stage is formulation in which the linguistic form required for that words expression is created. This process involves such processes as the generation of a syntactic frame, and phonological encoding which specifies the phonetic form of the intended utterance. At this stage a lemma is picked that is the abstract form of a word that lacks any information about the sounds in it (and thus before the word can be pronounced). It contains information concerning only meaning and the relation of this word to others in the sentence. The third stage is articulation which involves the retrieval of the particular motor phonetics of a word and the motor coordination of appropriate phonation and articulation by the lungs, glottis, larynx, tongue, lips, jaw, and other parts of the vocal apparatus. 2.2 Wernicke’s Aphasia The brain also can be impaired. Suharno (1982) identified one of the brain disorder that causes language disorders, namely CVA (Cerebral Vascular Accident) which means to damage blood vessels in the brain, is an example of local brain damage, and damage spread that attacks the brain. One of the brain disorders is Wernicke’s aphasia. Aphasia is partial or total loss of the ability to articulate ideas or comprehend spoken or written language, resulting from damage to the brain caused by injury or disease.  Wernickes aphasia is a language disorder that impacts language comprehension and the production of meaningful language. The disorder is related to damage to the Wernickes area. Individuals with Wernickes aphasia have difficulties understanding spoken language but are able to produce sounds, phrases, and word sequences. While these utterances have the same rhythm as normal speech, they are not language because no information is conveyed. 2.3 Case Example According to YouTube that uploaded by squirtofmylife on Feb 20, 2012 which titled â€Å"Wernicke’s aphasia Interview with Amelia Carter. She had stroke and know she has aphasia. In this video shown that Amelia is difficult to understanding what the speaker say to her. First, when the questioner (while showing bottle, bell, ball,   hunger, and notebook) asked her â€Å"Amelia what is this?† she always gives answers that doesn’t match with what questioner shown. Second, the questioner said that she has to repeat what the questioner said, but she answers with different word. And the last test the questioner said â€Å"Amelia finished this song ‘Marry had a little lamb’† then she continues the song  Ã¢â‚¬Å"little lamb little lamb Marry had a little lamb its fleece was white as snow†. When she wants to answer the question she needs more times to understand the speech. Based on the analysis about speech production and the case about Amelia Carter, it passes the several process to do something that we can see from the model below. So, the process of speech is succeed. But, when the brain has a damage, especially in the part of producing language in the Wernicke’s area on the temporal lobe on the left side of the brain because it is responsible for the comprehension of speech, the process of speech production can be hampered. As the result, what is taken out can not match, what we thinking about is not appropriate with what we say. The example is the case of Amelia Carter, she had stroke and it strikes the part of producing language in her brain. She loss the abillity to understand language. She can speak clearly, but the words that are put together make no sense. This way of speaking has been called word salad because it appears that the words are all mixed up like the vegetables in a salad.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Being There Essay -- essays research papers fc

â€Å"Being there† is a story of a man named Chance who knew nothing other than gardening and what he saw on television. His actions, judgements, and thoughts were all a reproduction of his experiences with television shows and gardening. After being backed up into by a limousine driver Chance became the focus of America’s daily news. Although not being able to read or having any common knowledge about the outside world Chance uses his knowledge of gardening and what he sees on television to help him in conversations with people and to excel in the real world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Having no contact with the outside world while growing up, television was Chance’s only view of what society was like. By flipping through the channels, Chance noticed the different ways people would interact with each other. Television provided him with different ways of looking at people and society. Television was his escape to be whoever he wanted to be. When Chance came into contact with different people he had an idea of how to act in their presence. When Chance was about to have dinner with Mr. Rand and E.E. he decided to imitate â€Å"the TV program of a young businessman who often dined with his boss and the boss’s daughter† (Kosinski, 39).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Also when Chance was being interviewed on â€Å"This Evening†, he used his knowledge of gardening and what he saw on television to get him through the interview. When being asked if he agreed with the President’s views on econom...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Littlest Tigers

With rapid increase of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), the economies of Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea have earned the reputation of being the â€Å"Four Little Tigers† of Asia. These four countries, primarily under the influence of Chinese culture had shown rapid industrialization in the decades of 1960s and the 1990s. Since the twenty-first century these four states have come under the category of ‘developed’ states. These countries, which are now developed, had adopted an export-oriented pattern of development. Production for domestic use was discouraged by way of high tariffs. This, accompanied by emphasis on public education, went a long way in ensuring sustained rate of double-digit growth for many decades. Education enabled these countries to produce cheap, but productive workforce, which became their strength. Egalitarianism was encouraged by way of land reforms, which ensured that peasants were never left dissatisfied. The above-mentioned measures brought a lot of economic benefit to these countries. They soon discovered that they had a favorable balance of trade. Though these countries had mostly non-democratic political systems in the initial years, yet they managed to ensure high rate of savings amongst their citizens. This was possible by focusing exports mainly to richer industrialized countries. ‘Tigers’ symbolize freedom, strength and bravery. These four nations, in spite of poor economic conditions, had been bold enough to allow a completely free economic system. Their openness and manpower produced great results. Ranked according to GDP; South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are placed at 12th, 21st, 36th and 44th respectively. According to the Heritage Foundation’s Index of Economic Freedom published in 2007: Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea hold the 1st, 2nd, 26th and 36th ranks respectively. References Asia's Four Little Tigers: a comparison of the role of education in their development Industrialization and Welfare: The Case of the Four Little Tigers by James Midgley `Four Tigers' offer varied opportunities for U.S. firms   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Audience And Action Plan Essay

I am the manager of Lexington Short Term Outpatient/Inpatient Rehabilitation Center with the task of developing an action plan and a proposal to add long term care services to our current services that will be presented to the organization’s Board of Directors for approval. Initially, I had prepared an action plan that requires updating. My initial action plan included the following: various communication methods to be use by managers within this organization, the importance of the identified communication methods within this organizational structure, internal/external relationships to be considered, steps involved in organizational planning and functions of management, how planned steps may be applied to the scenario, strategies that might be used to bring about change in the organization, how those strategies may be used to prevent or to minimize conflict, strategies that can be applied if conflict does arise, the manager’s role in conflict management, ethical issues that may altered the way change is conducted in the organization, the effects of financial and human resource management controls, how financial and human resource control issues may affect the decision-making process, environmental influences related to health care which may affect outcomes and quality within the organization, and, how the implemented change will be tracked or evaluated. I decided to add diversity to management, administration, staff and health care services to appeal to a diverse patient population that is multilingual to enhance communication with our clients and broaden our patient services. This worked well for me because I realized that being equipped to serve a diverse patient population will give my proposal better chance of being accepted by the Board of Directors. While attempting to update my action plan, deciding on what will be appropriate and successful was something that was a challenge for me. Another challenge was incorporating my new updates to my current action  plan. If I was asked the question what would I have done differently if I had the opportunity prior to my update, my answer would have been to have the opportunity to update my action plan. Now that my update is completed, I feel very confident and is ready to present my proposal and action plan to the Board of Directors and I will not do anything differently from this point on. Buchbinder, S.B & Shanks, N.H (2012). Introduction to health care management (2nd ed.) Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Qué hacer si turista recibe una infracción de tránsito

Quà © hacer si turista recibe una infraccià ³n de trnsito Los turistas en Estados Unidos pueden manejar durante su visita utilizando su carnet de manejar, aunque es recomendable que tambià ©n cuenten con la versià ³n internacional del mismo. Si durante su estancia en Estados Unidos los turistas son multados cuando manejan un vehà ­culo propio o rentado deben pagar la infraccià ³n o enfrentarse a las posibles consecuencias graves de falta de pago. Causas por las que se puede recibir un ticket de trnsito en EE.UU. Las infracciones de trnsito, conocidas tambià ©n como multas o tickets de trfico en algunos paà ­ses hispanohablantes pueden recibirse en Estados Unidos por razones muy diferentes  como, por ejemplo, excederse en el là ­mite de velocidad, no respetar las seà ±ales de trfico o aparcar en un lugar no autorizado. Cabe destacar que en Estados Unidos el reglamento de circulacià ³n es diferente de estado a estado, por lo que actos que en un lugar son legales en otros pueden dar lugar a una multa. Por esta razà ³n se recomienda informarse sobre las particularidades del cà ³digo de circulacià ³n del estado en el que se maneja. En todos los casos, si se recibe un ticket de trnsito, el folleto de multa contendr, al menos, dos datos muy importantes: Informacià ³n sobre cà ³mo y dà ³nde presentarse en Corte para contestar los cargos, si el chofer no acepta la multa.La cantidad a pagar, el plazo para efectuar el pago y cà ³mo se puede hacerlo: en persona, money order, tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito, etc. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con los residentes en el estado en el que han multado, los turistas extranjeros no tienen, en la mayorà ­a de los casos, la opcià ³n de tomar un curso a cambio de ver reducido el importe de la multa. Adems, si se acepta la multa y no se contesta, se va a tener que pagar la cantidad completa. Presentarse a Corte para contestar la infraccià ³n de trnsito Es una opcià ³n vlida. Pero hay que tener en cuenta: si se va a estar en Estados Unidos el dà ­a de la citacià ³nsi se tiene algo que decir para argumentar que la multa no es correctasi se quiere meter en estos problemas cuando se est de vacaciones El dilema de pagar o no pagar el ticket de trfico Muchos turistas piensan que nada les puede pasar si no pagan la infraccià ³n de trnsito. Pero antes de tomar esa opcià ³n conviene tener presentes los siguientes puntos: En primer lugar, si en el futuro se regresa al mismo condado en el que pusieron una multa que se dejà ³ sin pagar y tampoco se presentà ³ a Corte para contestarla, el turista puede ser arrestado. En segundo lugar, adems de tener problemas si se regresa al condado en el que se cometià ³ la infraccià ³n de trfico que no se quiere pagar, es posible que se tengan en otros condados e, incluso, en otros estados. Esto es asà ­ porque en Estados Unidos es relativamente comà ºn que los Departamentos de Vehà ­culos notifiquen al resto que ha habido un problema de trfico con un determinado turista. Uno de los condados que asà ­ lo hacen es, por ejemplo, Miami-Dade. Hay que tener en consideracià ³n que, dependiendo del tipo de infraccià ³n y del condado en el que se cometià ³, se puede emitir una orden de arresto. Y si esto sucede, el turista puede ser arrestado en un condado distinto al que cometià ³ la infraccià ³n. Por à ºltimo, y en tercer lugar, no pagar una multa de trfico puede tener consecuencias migratorias. Como carcter general hay que decir que la CBP –la autoridad a cargo de los pasos migratorios– no va a arrestar a ningà ºn turista que quiere ingresar de nuevo a EE.UU. porque tiene una multa de trnsito sin pagar. Sin embargo, existe una excepcià ³n a esa regla general y son los casos en los que se ha emitido una orden de arresto (warrant, en inglà ©s) originada en una multa. En estos casos la CBP puede ejecutarla y proceder a la detencià ³n del turista. Y aà ºn en los casos en los que no lo haga, sà ­ que puede decidir hacer una inspeccià ³n mucho ms exhaustiva en el paso migratorio. Como mà ­nimo, va a ser molesto. Y llevado a extremos puede dar lugar a que no le dejen entrar al paà ­s en base a algo que se encuentra en el sistema informtico. Adems, cabe destacar que los datos informticos de las Aduanas de EE.UU. cada vez son ms completos y distintas bases de datos de diferentes autoridades estn cada vez ms integradas. Como consecuencia de ello, la informacià ³n con la que cuenta el oficial migratorio de la CBP en los puntos de ingreso al paà ­s es cada vez ms completa. Cabe destacar que es recomendable seguir el consejo pà ºblico de la propia CBP en este punto. Sugiere fuertemente que se paguen las multas de trfico, especialmente las que tuvieron lugar cuando el auto estaba en marcha (moving violations). Es decir, es peor un ticket por exceso de velocidad que otro por aparcar incorrectamente. Finalmente, no olvidar que en la mayorà ­a de los casos el turista que comete una infraccià ³n est identificado, bien porque fue parado por un agente que le pidià ³ y verificà ³ sus datos o bien porque el auto es rentado y la agencia de alquiler tiene los datos que ligan al auto con una persona, su pasaporte, su licencia de manejar y su tarjeta de crà ©dito. Cà ³mo pagar los tickets de trnsito en EE.UU. No hay una regla à ºnica que aplique a todo el territorio de EE.UU. Por lo tanto, es obligatorio verificar en el folleto o en la pgina web de la autoridad que multà ³ la forma de pago. Si se decide pagar digitalmente tener en cuenta que es posible que la multa no aparezca en el sistema hasta 24-48 horas despuà ©s de haber tenido lugar el incidente. En muchas ocasiones es posible pagar por telà ©fono empleando una tarjeta de crà ©dito. Asegurarse de pagar dentro de plazo. Es comà ºn que se den 30 dà ­as para el pago, pero puede ser diferente. Finalmente, guardar copia de haber pagado o prueba digital del pago. 8 consejos sobre manejar en EE.UU. mientras se est como turista Para garantizar una visita sin sorpresas desagradables es conveniente seguir los siguientes consejos. En primer lugar, las reglas de trfico cambian de estado a estado. Se pueden consultar en la pgina web del Departamento de Vehà ­culos a Motor. Pueden ser incluso muy diferentes. En segundo lugar, en Estados Unidos son infracciones muy serias aquellas en las que el chofer est intoxicado (drogas o alcohol). Las reglas son muy estrictas. Todos los asuntos relacionados con drogas pueden tener, adems, consecuencias migratorias muy graves. En tercer lugar, si se maneja, no se habla con el celular ni se envà ­an mensajes de texto. Son tambià ©n infracciones graves. En cuarto lugar, es recomendable asegurarse de tener un buen seguro. En quinto lugar, en EE.UU. el seguro es para el chofer. No para el auto. Por lo que si varios miembros de una familia van a manejar, cada uno debe tener su seguro. En sexto lugar, no manejar el auto de un ciudadano o de un residente sin antes haber llamado a la aseguradora para incluirse en el seguro. En sà ©ptimo lugar, si se ingresa a Estados Unidos un auto  con placas mexicanas asegurarse de cumplir con todas las leyes americanas, especialmente si se viaja a lugares alejados de la frontera. Finalmente y en octavo lugar, es aconsejable contar con un permiso de manejar internacional, pero no es obligatorio. En todo caso, no sustituye al original del conductor, que sà ­ es obligatorio. Se recomienda llevar los dos ya que el internacional incluye informacià ³n en inglà ©s. Puntos clave: turistas en EE.UU. y tickets de trnsito En Estados Unidos, las reglas de trfico son diferentes de estado a estado. Deben respetarse las del estado en la que se est manejando.Si se recibe una multa de trfico, à ©sta se puede contestar a pagar.Se puede pagar el ticket de trfico de diferentes formas, segà ºn indica el papel de la multa. Como regla general se admite pago en persona, money order o tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito. Las reglas dependen del lugar en el que se emitià ³ la multa.Si no se paga una multa, el condado puede emitir una orden de arresto. Algunos condados notifican la orden de arresto a otros condados, incluso en otros estados. Si se emite una orden de arresto puede haber problemas en el paso migratorio la prà ³xima vez que se desea ingresar a EE.UU.Las multas por acciones cuando el auto est en marcha son ms graves. Es decir, es peor una multa por exceso de velocidad que otra por parquear mal.Si alcohol o drogas son parte de la multa, es conveniente aconsejarse con un abogado migratorio. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Excuse me!

Excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me! By Maeve Maddox Brad K brings up some interesting questions about three words used in a variety of ways: So, what is the choice, between Excuse me and Pardon me? I am looking for an alternative to a phrase I keep misusing, Im sorry, but . . .. Â  The part that bothers me is that I use this phrase even when I have been offended and am not sorry about interrupting or contradicting . . er .. someone. excuse (verb) early 13c., to clear (someone) from blame, from O.Fr. escuser, from L. excusare release from a charge, from ex- out, away + causa accusation, legal action NOTE: the s in the verb excuse is pronounced with the /z/ sound [Ä ­k-skyÃ… «z]. The s in the noun excuse is pronounced with the /s/ sound [(Ä ­k-skyÃ… «s]. pardon (verb) to refrain from exacting due punishment from someone sorry (adjective) Pained at heart; distressed, sad; full of grief or sorrow. All three terms are used with various meanings in different contexts, but in polite conversation they have the weakened sense of expressing a courteous apology for some minor social offense. Excuse me and pardon me are uttered for offenses that range from jostling someone to belching. They are also used when addressing a stranger, or when one hasnt understood something and wants it repeated. Im sorry can express mere sympathy or apology. Like the other two expressions, it can also be used to introduce a contradiction: Im sorry, but I cant agree that cats dont show affection. Ive recently developed an aversion to the use of Excuse me! spoken belligerently in the sense of How dare you say what you just said? A character in a TV drama I was watching the other night said the expression numerous times in response to remarks that he found insulting. It quickly became tiresome. The Online Etymology Dictionary offers this information about the three words: Excuse me: use as a mild apology or statement of polite disagreement is from c.1600 Pardon: weaker sense of excuse for a minor fault is attested from 1540s. Sorry: Apologetic sense (short for Im sorry) is attested from 1834; phrase sorry about that popularized 1960s by U.S. TV show Get Smart. The overuse of Im sorry as a form of self-effacement is not a good thing. But, like the dear in Dear Sir, these words dont have to signify an emotional or truthful engagement with the person addressed. They are lubrication words like please and thank youpolite words that grease the wheels of social interaction. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Comma After i.e. and e.g.What to Do When Words Appear Twice in a RowWhen to Spell Out Numbers

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Volunteer at an Animal Shelter

How to Volunteer at an Animal Shelter SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Love animals? Thinking about a career as a veterinarian? Or maybe you're just hoping to play with animals? Volunteering at an animal shelter can be a great experience. How can you become an animal shelter volunteer? What will you do as a volunteer? Are there alternative experiences? This guide will answer all those questions and more, so read on! What to Expect as an Animal Shelter Volunteer While volunteering at an animal shelter can be a great experience, it's not going to be fun and games all the time.You willget to play with animals, but that will not be your only responsibility.You’ll likely also be cleaning up after them, sweeping, mopping, filling water and food bowls, tidying litter boxes, washing towels, etc. After all of these things are done, you'll have a chance toplay with the animals. It's going to be work first, and then fun. You’ll likely also have to deal with some customer servicework such asanswering phone calls and responding toadoptionquestions. Depending on the shelter where you work, you may be assigned a specific "job." These jobs include: Adoption Liaison:Assist potential adopters through the process of adoption (meeting animals, filling out paperwork, etc.). Kennel Assistant (sometimes dog or cat specific): Clean the kennel, feed the animals, and provide walks/exercise for the animals. Training Class Assistant:Helprunthe dog training classes offered by the shelter (if applicable). Surgery Support Volunteer:Stay with the animals as they wake up from surgery. Make sure pet owners have all the information they need for post-surgery care. Animal Transport Volunteer:Driveanimals between the shelter and clinic. NOTE:Some shelters require you be 18 years or older to do certain jobs such as animal transport. On top of the menial tasks you may have to do as an animal shelter volunteer, you’ll also likely deal with some sadness.Youmayget attached to animals who end up adopted, and if you work at a kill shelter, you might also get attached to animals that end up euthanized.It’s not always an easy job, so make sure you take all of this into consideration before committing to volunteering at an animal shelter. WhatArethe Requirements for Being an Animal Shelter Volunteer? Most shelters only allow volunteers aged 16 and older.Check your local shelter to find out their age requirement (I’ll get into how to locate a shelter below).If you’re under 16 and want to volunteer, see if they’ll make an exception.They may also let you volunteer if your legal guardian signs off on it or if your legal guardian volunteers with you. Most shelters make you commit to at least a few months of volunteering, if not a full year.These shelters spend time and money training their volunteers, so they want to make sure you’re committed. Atyour trainingororientation, you'll learn the rules of volunteering, sign paperwork (release forms), and get a tour of the facilities along with instructions on how to do your volunteer "job." On top of a commitment to a length of time, you usually also have to commit to at least one shift every other week. Shifts range from 2-4 hours depending on the shelter. Some shelters have physical requirements too (since you might be dealing with large animals and lifting things).They mayrequire you to be physically fit enough to stand and or walk for up to 3 hours and be able to lift and carry 20 lbs or more.They also may require you to be able to tolerate loud sounds and bad odors. Again, contact your local shelter or humane society to ask about their specific volunteer requirements.Learn how to find their contact informationin the next section How to Find a Volunteering OpportunityNear You Finding an animal shelternear you should be as simple as conducting a Google Search for â€Å"[Your Town Name] Animal Shelter† or â€Å"[Your Town Name] Animal Rescue† or â€Å"[Your Town Name] Humane Society.†That should lead you to thewebsite for an animal shelter or, at least, the contact information for an animal shelter near you. If you’re able to locate a specific animal shelter website, look for a volunteer page.On the volunteer page, shelters usually list a contact person for potential volunteers. Reach out to that person to get started as a volunteer.Other shelters have online applications for potential volunteers. Fill one out to get started. If you’re unable to find a website, use whatever contact information you can find through Google to get in touch with someone (whether through phone or email) who works at the shelter andask about volunteering. Don’t be surprised if it takes you a while to get a response about volunteering or if a shelter tells you they don’t need volunteers right now. Volunteering at animal shelters can be very popular, and someshelters already have a lot of volunteers and don’t need more help.You maybe able to be put on a volunteer waitlist. However, if that's not an option,try to approach the next closest shelter in your area. The Good and Bad of Volunteering at an Animal Shelter How is volunteering at an animal shelter different than other volunteer work?You get to work with animals and meet like-minded animal lovers! It's a great way to make friends and spend time with cuddly critters. You also get to help lonely animals. You get to play with them, make sure they live in a clean environment, and help them find loving homes. You'll help guide people on their path to finding their dream pet. It's challenging work, but it can also be a rewarding process. Are you interested in potentially becoming a veterinarian or doing other work with animals? Volunteeringat a humane society will allow you to test out whetheryou’d like to pursue a career working with animals.Working as a shelter volunteer, you'll learn so much about what it takes to take care of animals. You'll learn how hard it is, how rewarding it is, and how sad it can be. By the end of your volunteer experience, you should have a good understanding of whether it's the work you want to do. Volunteering at an animal shelter can also be a great experience for your college application. Here at PrepScholar, we often recommend you try to be an expert in one field rather than well-rounded. Colleges want students who're experts in something.If your passion is animals, or something similar, working at an animal shelterwill look great on your application. Make sure you complement your animal shelter volunteer work with other animal-related experiences(i.e. hosting a fundraiser to build a dog park or gathering signatures to add an animal to the endangered species list). Additionally, many extracurricular experiences cost money (such asvolunteer abroad programs). Volunteering is a free extracurricular experience that won't cost you anything other than your time. I highly recommend engaging in volunteer work even if you ultimately decide an animal shelter is not the right place for you. Keep in mind that, as I said before, volunteer work is not all fun. You'll have to do menial work such as cleaning up after the animals beforeyou can play with them. Additionally, if you work at a kill shelter, you might getattached to animals who get adopted or euthanized.If you’re interested in working with animals (but don’t want to or can't work at an animal shelter), you could try some similar alternatives. Check out the next section for ideas. Alternatives to Volunteering at an Animal Shelter If you don’t have the time to commit to working at a shelter, consider job shadowing a veterinarian for a day or two.Job shadowing is a great, quick way to learn more about veterinary work. Another alternative isfostering an animal if youhave space at your house (and yourparents allow it).However, fostering is a big commitment, so make sure that you and your family have the time to dedicate to caring for the animal you foster. If you need to make money and don’t have the time to volunteer for free, consider trying to get a job as a dog walker or pet sitter.If you live in a major metropolitan area (NY, LA, Seattle, etc.), there is a dog walking app called Wag, where you can set your own hours to walk dogs. Consider checking it out! If you’re interested in medicine in general (and not just working with animals), consider doing a summer medical program, summer medical internship, volunteering at a hospital, or job shadowing a doctor.Read our other article on Medical Experiences for High School Students for more details (Coming soon!). What’s Next? If you’re a high school student looking for an extracurricular activity, learn about Model UN and how to join your high school newspaper. Looking for something to do this summer? You should check out the Emory Pre-College Program and the Boston University Summer Challenge. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Anti-Social Behaviour Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Anti-Social Behaviour - Literature review Example Furthermore, there have been reports of increased problems and incidences associated with anti-social behaviour which has risen substantially over the years. It is on account of this reason that there has been a sea change in the management of housing and accommodation, with the result that the residents are now increasingly demanding a better say in the decisions especially in the areas which have a direct and/or indirect impact on their way of lives and are now demanding greater representation and participation in the local authority’s decision making process. Their overall expectations with regard to public safety have also increased greatly due to the perceived threats to their quality of life, on account of increased incidences of anti-social behaviour. The changes in the external environment has further led to a sea change in the management practices adopted and implemented by the local authorities and other public sector departments involved in provision of services within housing and accommodation sector. There have been various policies implemented at the national, state as well as local levels to ensure public safety in residential areas, thus indicating wide spread reforms brought about by the administration to enable the local, state as well as national authorities and governing bodies to combat and address the challenges posed by the rapidly changing dynamic external environment. Although there is no clear and concise definition of the term, it has been generally defined similarly by various researchers. For the purpose of this study the term anti-social behaviour is described as follows: The term anti-social behaviour has recently assumed great significance, particularly within the management of public housing and activities associated with the same. It is now increasingly being taken into consideration while framing policies and to categorically differentiate between crimes and social disorders of civil and/or

Sexual Abuse (Police Foundations Course) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sexual Abuse (Police Foundations Course) - Essay Example Moreover, the taboos surrounding the sex act affect the investigation of offenses related to it. The victim is often blamed and treated insensitively with callous disregard for the outcome. Given the situation, it is imperative that the investigation be conducted with painstaking attention to detail, because failure to do so will allow the offenders to escape the justice they so richly deserve. The crime scene investigation is crucial as it is the foundation on which the case against the offender will be built. The crime scene must be secured and photographs should be taken before following the prescribed protocol for such situations. The next step is the collection of forensic evidence "which might provide a clue to the identity of the killer" (Geberth 440) . Such evidence may often be the only way to trace, implicate and convict the guilty party. Physical evidence from the scene such as fingerprints, stray hairs, fibers, used condoms, gloves, urine, feces, blood, and the like must be carefully gathered and preserved as they are the means by which the offender may be linked to the scene of the crime and the victim. The collection of these materials must be documented and photographed in order to avoid damage from exposure to the weather or careless handling. The next step is the thorough medical examination of the victim.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 - Essay Example The Poor Law Amendment of 1834 has been based upon three particular ideas that include Malthus' principles on population raise and resource decline, Ricardo's Iron Law of Wages and Bertham's doctrine on relaxation and perception over work1. These particular bases of the law's idealism leads towards a more important sense of clarity as to what the law was really for. However, since the law interests many critics as to how much applicable the law is in saving the welfare of the poor people in the society (Blaug 1964 p.122). The tests that were used to at least measure the different issues that are in consideration with the application of the law in the society to which it is practically made for includes the less eligibility and the workhouse test. (Boyer 1990p.55) From the measuring examination, the less eligibility test provided a result that only those who are really needy would be able to be considerably considerate on taking workhouse jobs. Believably, the process of inculcations about the major conditions of working in workhouses makes them less interesting even for the poor (Dakyns 2005 p. 49). The other test that has been done was that of the workhouse test. The workhouse test on the other hand gave out a different result pointing out that people who are poor enough move to areas that are ready to welcome them; areas where there seems to be more opportunities of employment. From these resu From these results, it could be found that the law could have been effective for implementation if the actual missions of its creation have been carried through (Lees 1998 p. 342). These missions or particular objectives could be noted as follows: To create a protective consideration on the values of the tax payers helping them to avoid the dilemma of paying too much in comparison to what they are actually making for a living. (Lees 1998 p. 341) To help the unemployed individuals in urban areas to be transferred to their rural origin to reduce scarcity of resources in the city. To ensure the level of consideration given to those who are to be transferred, creation of jobs [or better workhouses] in the rural areas is to be pursued. (Lees 1998 p. 341) These missions impose a larger scope of identity that makes a huge difference on the recognition of employment and acceptability in the human society. Basically, through this, the implication of better jobs and the creation of better work areas or workhouses could interest more to work both in the rural and the urban areas2. It is also through this mission that the inculcation of the role of the Parish groups in assisting individuals who have no jobs to be counselled and motivated to get jobs of their own has been addressed as an aggressive manner of propagating the belief that working is a must and that having a chance to feed one's self and one's family is more important than self praise or social recognition. True, the same as it was before, the human society of the past was less able to control the sense of recognizing the need to live than the need to be known; this has a same implicative effect in the society today. As the poor law amendment of 1834 was also noted for its attributes being based on utilitarianism, this law aims to provide the greater number of people the level of satisfaction and happiness that they deserve

American Religious groups and History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American Religious groups and History - Essay Example Religion has played a vital role in the establishment of major universities and learning centers such as the Harvard, Princeton, Williams, and Yale among others. Different regions of the country have different representations of the religious groups with the rural consisting of few Catholics except some areas such as Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. Most of the Catholics are in the urban areas such as the Great Lakes and the industrial and mining regions. Judaism is also a religious group in America and is the second largest after and Frank y. Many of the people prophesying Judaism faith are Jews and their descendants and have existed since the 17th Century. Islam takes the third position in America although it just represents a 0.9 percent of the entire population. The other religious groups include the Rastafarianism, Baha’i among others. There are people who do not profess affiliation to any religion and are associated with Atheism, Agnosticism, and Humanism. This population i s increasing at a high rate although they are associated with materialism, criminal behavior, and cultural elitism. America is, therefore, experiencing an increase in religious groups and increase in those who profess no religion. During the period of religious movement in America, the great awakening led to divisions among the denominations such as Baptists, Methodists, and the Presbyterians. Although the first American Protestant Mission was in 1820 in Hawaii, most of the triumphalism happened in the 1960s.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Disscusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Disscusion - Essay Example A name given to these social misfits is ‘berdache’. According to Devor, the tension bound by the notion of ‘me’ and ‘I’ is called self and gender identity are at the core of the development of self (89). Cofer, being both Puerto Rican and white says that, in her early years, she was referred to as blanca (white). She was lighter than her mother but darker than her father (61). Cofer narrates that while getting kicked out of a store, the storekeeper called her dirty brown, saying it was her natural color (67). She ran home to wash her hands with hot water and soap, and her skin remained the same color. Even though, the ‘I’ knew she was clean, the ‘Me’ part reminded her that she was the color of coffee with milk in it. She had big eyes, and a round face and she knew she was pretty, yet at Catholic school, the pretty white girls were especially the teachers’ favorites. The ‘I’ confided in her that she lived a well enough decent life with her parents. However, the ‘Me’ chided her about Ted’s father’s comments that, being Puerto Rican, they lived like rats. The notion of ‘I’ should surpass that of ‘Me’ because society will never be pleased. It is somewhat like a gaping black hole that sucks out most of the good about an individual and leaves emptiness. In as much as society guides in shaping the general gender norms of individuals, it should not be given too much power. An individual knows himself/herself better than anyone else, and society will be more concerned about tearing apart the negative rather than building on the positive. From Cofer’s story of her body, the issue of race and color is clearly evident, and she goes to great lengths to clarify the impact it had on her life while she was growing up. Many a times, she felt small and sorely inadequate, especially in sports and her

Environmental social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental social responsibility - Essay Example London municipality has been reviewing the performance on various functions of the socially responsible activities carried by their department. The conventional public transport was moderately utilized and there was no considerable improvement in the utility status of the system in three years together. The conventional transport systems are very useful in mass transport. The conventional transport will ease the vehicles pressure on the roads. The fuel usage will come down considerably. The mass conventional transport is cheaper than the individual transport. More importantly the conventional transport decreases the pollution to an extent. The only concern with the mass transport is that the initial investment will be high. The infrastructure support establishment will take some time. London being a city with growth prospects the facilities are to be upgraded on the same level. The Sewerage systems spending were kept untouched for a period. The quantity of the sewerage processed and the process cycle improvements should be considered. A periodical measure to monitor the waste water treatment has to made. The treatment process review need to timely checked to meet the growing need year by year.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Disscusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Disscusion - Essay Example A name given to these social misfits is ‘berdache’. According to Devor, the tension bound by the notion of ‘me’ and ‘I’ is called self and gender identity are at the core of the development of self (89). Cofer, being both Puerto Rican and white says that, in her early years, she was referred to as blanca (white). She was lighter than her mother but darker than her father (61). Cofer narrates that while getting kicked out of a store, the storekeeper called her dirty brown, saying it was her natural color (67). She ran home to wash her hands with hot water and soap, and her skin remained the same color. Even though, the ‘I’ knew she was clean, the ‘Me’ part reminded her that she was the color of coffee with milk in it. She had big eyes, and a round face and she knew she was pretty, yet at Catholic school, the pretty white girls were especially the teachers’ favorites. The ‘I’ confided in her that she lived a well enough decent life with her parents. However, the ‘Me’ chided her about Ted’s father’s comments that, being Puerto Rican, they lived like rats. The notion of ‘I’ should surpass that of ‘Me’ because society will never be pleased. It is somewhat like a gaping black hole that sucks out most of the good about an individual and leaves emptiness. In as much as society guides in shaping the general gender norms of individuals, it should not be given too much power. An individual knows himself/herself better than anyone else, and society will be more concerned about tearing apart the negative rather than building on the positive. From Cofer’s story of her body, the issue of race and color is clearly evident, and she goes to great lengths to clarify the impact it had on her life while she was growing up. Many a times, she felt small and sorely inadequate, especially in sports and her

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Ethics Mid-Term Examination Assignment

Business Ethics Mid-Term Examination - Assignment Example The ethical philosophies of an individual are characterized by ethical principles and norms that they possess as their ethical frames for reference. Every individual faces to take moral decisions on daily basis. These decisions revolve around the questions related to correct or false. Therefore, the bases in accordance with which these decisions are produced are shown several researchers (Stead, Worrel, & Stead, 1994). Purtilo (2005) showed that the three steps in the Individual Ethical Decision-Making Process are recognizing and defining the issues that are ethical, reflecting upon and interpreting the information gathered in recognition of the issues, implementing and evaluating the decision taken. Define business ethics and explain the value of focusing on conduct rather than characteristics. Business ethics is the appliance of our perceptive of good and right to the collection of technologies, institutions, transactions, pursuits and activities. According to Rossouw et al. (2007) business ethics has been referred to those ethics that focuses on what is good and right especially in economical activities. Hence business ethics is more focused upon morally evaluating economic activities and practices. For the long term survival of any business and its profitability the ethics involved in the business are very essential to be followed. The failure of many companies is due to unethical behaviors. The companies with sound principles of business ethics are likely to benefit more and have a lesser risk of developing a bad reputation that can be harmful for the company in terms of future perspective. The board has the responsibility to actively manage the ethics performance of the company. Virtues have been defined as the main features that are valued by moral philosophers and religious thinkers. Identify and define the six high virtues presented by Peterson and Seligman. Select a virtue you believe is inherently important to the study of business ethics, identify i ts corresponding character strengths and explain why it is important. The six high virtues presented by, Peterson & Seligman (2004) are intelligence and awareness, bravery, humanity, fairness, self-control and transcendence. Wisdom and knowledge involves the cognitive strengths which engage the acquisition and use of knowledge the creativity thinking, curiosity, open-mindedness and things like love for mastering new skills etc. Courage involves the emotional strengths, the implementation of will to achieve goals, always speaking and supporting truth and being pure and genuine. Humanity relates to interpersonal strengths like kindness, doing good deeds for other, social intelligence and being aware of the feelings of others. Justice involves fairness in treating all people similarly and working well in teams. Temperance refers to the strengths that protect against excess, forgiveness, modesty, and prudence etc. Transcendence relates to appreciation of excellence and being aware of an d thankful for the good things happening. Although all the virtues are important but justice, honesty, fairness happen to be the most important of all as all the other virtues revolve around it. If a person is not capable of doing justice and being honest then none of the other virtues apply

Monday, October 14, 2019

Literacy is excellent Essay Example for Free

Literacy is excellent Essay â€Å"Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names† (Shah 1). Malcolm X describes his experience and struggle not being able to read or write until he got into prison. All he could ever do in prison was sit there, so he figured he would make light of his incarceration. So what he did was study a dictionary and read books to gain a better understanding and learn much more than he had before. Then with doing that, it made him feel free and empowered with his newly found intelligence now knowing what other people had discussed and had read. Malcolm X came up in a segregated time in the United States where black men and women weren’t allowed to be well educated or earn much of a living. Only having an 8th grade education can keep you trapped in your own mind. Therefore, the significance of literacy is immeasurable due to the fact that it is limitless on what you can do with it. Reading and writing has impacted our lives forever and in so many different ways. Write a letter, text a number, or do homework in a textbook. All these situations and more are due to the fact that people over time and now can read and write. The way we first started communication was through drawings known as hieroglyphics; that then transformed over time into different letters and we could finally write down information. That advancement led us to be able to keep records, talk to people without being face to face, and just write down information. â€Å"In my slow, painstaking, ragged handwriting, I copied into my tablet everything printed on the first page, down to the punctuation marks† (Malcolm X 641). Literacy was hard for him to pick up because it was new to him, and also he didn’t have the resources or materials we do now to help him. Communication since then has exploded to the point of other people learning how to read and write other languages and schools being opened to teach a number of new people how to read and write. Communication therefore led us to advancements in communication. We can now talk to someone halfway around the world without spending a fortune for travel fares. The human race in total can read and write so well that we have taught machines like computers, cars, and phones to now read; something we didn’t have just around 20 years ago. Without communication there could be no advancements and without advancements there could be no communication. Therefore, learning to read and write is key in everything we do and come up with. My cousin also had a problem with reading and writing all through school, and even after he graduated. Unlike Malcolm X, when he was younger he kept trying to give up on doing it because it was frustrating and confusing to him. He hated having to learn something he never understood properly and regrets trying to give up for all those years because it’s still a problem now. Having that happen to him has deterred me from me giving up on something I don’t understand so it doesn’t get worse for me or stay a problem forever. Cognate to Malcolm X, I tried over and over to be at least semi-literate in everything I could. For example, when I was in middle school I would always watch the Lincoln high school NJROTC spin rifles and I knew I would do that one day. So in ninth grade I practiced hard and finally learned how to do just about everything they can do and was able to be in the parade. Also cognate to Malcolm X, I believe learning to be literate in anything takes hard work, concentration, and dedication to the fact that you have to pay attention and learn what to do. Works cited page Shah, Anup. â€Å"Poverty Facts and Stats. † Global Issues. 07 Jan. 2013. Web. 22 Sep. 2013. . X, Malcolm. Literacy behind Bars. The Norton Field Guide to Writing with Reading. Ed. Richard Bullock and Maureen Daly Goggin. 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton Company, 2013. 460-63. Print.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Marketing Trend Essay -- GCSE Business Marketing BTEC Coursework

Marketing Trend Introduction Companies of today must respond to change to survive the future. Change is inevitable-growth is optional. Change forces all business owners to adapt, adjust and be energetic in building their businesses. After all, there are only three things a company can do with change: ignore it, adapt to it or embrace it. By focusing on new ways of doing things, a company can revitalize their business. In particular, marketing in new ways and with different strategies not only simulates new business, but also gives a company a new vision on productivity. Advertising Companies will need to use their resources wisely as technologies and quick markets will leave companies trying to find their way to the door. Spending millions of dollars to make a product unique is a thing of the past with technology and the ever changing buying patterns and competition companies will have to use those dollars to emphasize their company values not specifically their product. Additionally education will play an important role as markets and technology is rapidly changing. Companies should develop a culture that encourages and fosters new ways of looking at things. They constantly should strive to create, develop, test and refine ideas. Organizations and associations are resources and committed to offering ideas, information, data, conferences, publications and more. In addition, local college continuing education classes, public workshops and even the libr...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

He Knows He Was There :: essays papers

He Knows He Was There Human beings have a tendency to need some sort of tangible or perceivable proof in order to fully understand a concept. Most people will not take what is being told to them as true unless they are shown somehow that it is true. In a work of fiction, the author strives to create a tangible setting for the reader to captivate him in his reading experience. The author uses believable scenes to reveal character traits and various themes by showing how the characters act and react in different situations. This is apparent in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s greatest work, The Great Gatsby. This novel is set during the 1920’s in the New York City area. It revolves around the events and lives of a group of individual. These few people are of higher social rank. Fitzgerald takes the reader into this high society through the eyes of Nick, the narrator. His use of a first hand narrator aids him greatly in revealing the wasteful and greedy moral values of the characters and the soci ety in which they live in his novel, The Great Gatsby. During the 1920’s, wasteful use of money by the elite was rampant. In The Great Gatsby, there is a scene that depicts a sort of social gathering in a New York apartment. Tom and Nick, wealthy residents of the ‘Eggs’, are present. Myrtle and her sister Catherine are also present. Tom is currently having an affair with Myrtle, so she has a connection with the rich culture. Her sister Catherine, on the other hand, does not have any connection with such people. Nick, the narrator of the novel, provides us with a first hand account of the scene: â€Å"The bottle of whisky - a second one - was now in constant demand by all present, excepting Catherine who ‘felt just as good on nothing at all’† (39). This scene, depicted by a narrator who was present, reveals many details about the characters that otherwise could have not been displayed. It shows a group of people being dependent on a substance to have fun. The people participating are mainly the ri ch or individuals with some connection to the rich. To many, alcohol is a symbol of escape. Somebody abuses alcohol in order to run away from reality and to seclude himself from society. It seems silly that such an apparently well off group of individuals would want to escape reality.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mysterious Story Essay

It was a sunny Saturday morning, my first time hiking and we were on the road to the Drakensberg mountains. My dad, Lanny, was driving us and I was lying on the back seat listening to music. Oh yes and my little brother Ross was in the passenger seat speaking to my dad, asking him about hiking. When we had arrived at 11:00 am we were booking in at one of the hotels close to our hiking trails starting point. We were un-packing and ready to get some sleep for the big day ahead of us. Waking up at the crack of dawn was hard but we were able to do it and made snacks for the hike. At 6:00am we were ready to hike and at the trail. As we started it seemed easy but continued to get harder. My younger brother Ross was struggling up the mountain and asked me to carry his bag for him. I had a strange thought; I should be nice to him because if something had to happen to him I wouldn’t like it if the last thing I said was nasty. We had been hiking for just over an hour when we decided to stop for a break and brunch. My brother was in need of the toilet. We told him to just go behind the bush. I heard a rustle in the bushes around us and a cold shiver ran through me. HELP! We ran to the bush he was behind. Looking around we saw marks and footprints on the ground. We followed them down the bank. Running as fast as we could, we saw the huge creature. It turned around, we dived behind a shrub, I don’t think it saw us. Jumping up again, we were out of breath but continued chasing. The creature was very big with white fur, bigger than a gorilla or a bear. We were determined to find him and as we approached the village that these Sasquatch type beasts were using, we peeped over the fences made of steaks and vines, we were sure Ross was in great danger. When looking over the walls we saw many of the Sasquatches and searched for little Ross among the crowd of beasts. We had made up our minds, we were going in. After we tried to get his attention several times we noticed he was in such great shock that he didn’t recognize us. Hiding behind each tavern and bush. Jumping and rolling from bush to bush. Then Bang! There the sound of something landing behind us. We turned around and saw its giant feet then ran. But we were no match for them, they surrounded us. My dad said, â€Å"just be calm we’ll be fine†. They tied us up and put us each in separate taverns. I saw my back pack and tried to get the Swiss army knife out, but the primitive Sasquatch saw me and couldn’t understand what I was doing so he locked me up in small dark room. They took off my ropes and confiscated my bag. They left me in this room with only the belongings in my pockets and my clothes. I wrote this message on my cell phone and sent it to everyone I know. Please try save us!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Health Promotion and Preventions

Health promotion and disease prevention are processes that enable individuals to improve their health. Health promotion seeks to increase an individual’s control over their health by addressing behavior under the control of the individual. Disease prevention is associated with medical and public health activities to prevent diseases. Health promotion and disease prevention have been utilized in the U. S. health care system for many of years and extensive research has been done on which preventive measures are most likely to protect individual health.Studies have also been done on what degree can preventions contribute to controlling costs of health care. Research supports the effectiveness of the preventative measures such as immunization, some forms of screening, avoidance of a high-fat diet, regular moderate exercise, as well the avoidance or cessation of exposure to tobacco. But research has also shown that preventative measures increase, rather than reduce, health care cos ts. Research has shown that preventative interventions preserve function and extend lives.Studies have shown immunization to be a good example of a prevention that promotes individual health and longevity. The benefits of immunization can been seen in young people and in the elderly. For decades the elderly have been receiving vaccination against influenza and it is also commonplace for young children to receive inoculations for diptheria, tentanus, pertussis, polio, meningitis-causing Haemophilus influenzae, measles, mups, rubells, and hepatitis B. 1 A study from the Netherlands demonstrates the health benefits of the elderly receiving annual influenza vaccination.The findings from the study were that the those who received annual vaccination experienced a reduced mortality risk of 24 percent and it was estimated that the vaccination prevented one death for every 302 people vaccinated. 1 Immunization has also eradicated diseases that once threaten the lives of children in the U. S. , as illustrated by the history of the disease pertussis. Between 1934 and 1943 there were on average 200,000 annual incidence of the disease, including over 4,000 deaths. After the introduction of childhood vaccination for pertussis in the 1940’s, reported cases drastically declined and reached a low of 1,000 in 1976. Research has also shown that some types of screening are good examples of preventative measures that effectively protect individuals. Screening is a strategy used to detect a disease in individuals who are without signs or symptoms of that disease. Between the early 1970s and 2000, use of the Pap test decreased incidence and mortality from invasive cervical cancer by 40 percent in the U. S. 1 The screening is almost an ideal because it is inexpensive, convenient, effective in detection, and cervical cancer is highly curable when detected early.The U. S. Preventive Services Task Force also strongly recommends screenings for colorectal cancer, high blood pressur e, and Chlamydia infection. 1 As significant as disease prevention, health promotions in lifestyle and risk reduction in the areas of tobacco, body weight, diet and exercise have been shown in studies to protect individual health. The most important of these studies that show the benefit of lifestyle preventative practices are the Framingham Heart Study and the Nurses’ Health Study.The Framingham Heart Study has been a main source of information regarding an individual’s attributes that lead to cardiovascular disease. The early findings of the study identified smoking, high blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose intolerance as risk factors for heart disease. 1 Before the study it was thought that heart disease may be unpredictable. Recently findings show that low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is a characteristic predictive of heart disease. The Framingham study had major implications on lifestyle in regards to physical activity and diet as preventative practices.It showed the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol was less common in physically active individuals. The study also showed that being overweight is associated with risk factors such as lower levels of high-density lipoprotein, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The Nurses’ Health Study found similar results regarding the effects of diet and lifestyle on heart disease. The study concluded that among women, adherence to preventative practices involving diet, exercise, and abstinence from smoking is associated with a very low risk of coronary heart disease. The health risks of certain diets have also been the subject of many studies. Trials have shown that consumption of trans fatty acids produces factors that are predictive of heart disease. 1 Alternatively, studies have concluded that a preventative practice of a diet rich in non-trans fats, whole-grains, abundant fruits and vegetable, and adequate in omega-3 fatty acids offered significant reduction in heart diease. 1 Health prom otion and disease prevention has also been thought as a means to control health care costs in the US.It is seems logical to assume that health care cost would be reduced by individuals avoiding illness and that illness detected early are less expensive to treat. Research has shown that some preventative measures may reduce health cost, but many actually increase health care cost. The work of the economist Louise B. Russell offers very informative cost effectiveness analysis of the preventative practices of vaccination. 1 Russell studied a campaign during the 1960s to inoculate children against the measles shortly following the introduction of an anti-measles vaccine.She calculated the cost of the immunization intervention to be the sum of the cost of administering the vaccines and the cost of treating people who contracted measles, which included children that may have missed the vaccine or for who the vaccine was ineffective. Russell’s findings were that the intervention sav ed 973 lives and prevented 3,000 children from being mentally retarded. She also found that campaign reduced absenteeism from school and work due to measles by 34 million days.She concluded that the intervention cost $31 million, but saved $200 million in institutional care for children who would have become retarded had they not been vaccinated. This type of preventative measure can be seen as very cost effective. Russell also concluded that other vaccination programs weren’t cost effective. She found that a small pox vaccination administered to 37,901 people because of a threat of bioterrorism attack resulted in 85 hospitalizations, 10 life-threatening diseases, 2 permanently disabilities, and 3 deaths. This intervention proved very costly since there wasn’t a bioterrorism attack.The preventative measure of screening also proves to increase cost of health care in the US. The costs of screening include the diagnosis, medication, doctor visits, and treatment of side ef fects. Additional cost also result from the increased life expectancy of the individuals who are successfully treated. Conversely, if an individual isn’t screened the individual’s death result in the end of incurring health care costs. Screening for colorectal cancer, the third leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the U. S. , also revel an increase in the cost of health care.The American Cancer Society recommends that colonoscopies be the preferred method of screening. In 2005 colonoscopies amounted to 60% of all colorectal cancer tests. 3 But colonoscopy is expensive and carries a higher risk of serious complications that other screening choices. Cost benefit analysis of cervical cancer screening also illustrate the increase in health care costs. Studies by a research team in Georgetown University indicated that Pap tests reduced deaths by 75% when done every three years and the cost per quality-adjusted life year gained would have been $11,839.The study also found that a more aggressive treatment resulted in deaths reduced by 95%, but the of a cost per quality-adjusted life year gained would increase to $76,183. 1 Health promotion interventions in lifestyle offer uncertain cost-effectiveness and cost impact. A case can also be made that tobacco control increases the costs of health care and that smoking itself is an effective cost control. Smokers due require more medical care when they are alive, but upon the death of smokers, saving can be realized in nursing homes expenses, and the unutilized pension and Social Security benefits.Cost effectiveness analysis is not a complete approach to view health promotion and disease prevention. Though costly, preventative interventions in immunization, screening and lifestyle have been found by research to protect individual health. Cost effectiveness analysis should then rather be concerned with comparing alternative interventions. A good example of this type analysis is of colorectal screening, in which recommendation was for the intervention that would save the most lives at a given expenditure level. Russell said it best that â€Å"even when prevention does not save money, it can be a worthwhile investment in better health, and this- not cost savings- is the criterion on which it should be judged. †1 1. Greenwald HP. 2010. Health Care in the United States: Organization, Management, and Policy 2. Stampfer MJ, Hu FB, Manson et al. 2000. Primary prevention of coronary heart disease in women through diet and lifestyle. N Engl J Med 3. Subramanian S, Bobashev G, Morris RJ. 2010. When budgets are tight, there are better options than colonoscopy for colorectal cancer screening. Health Affairs

Interpersonal Communications in Sweet Home Alabama

In Interpersonal Communications, it is important to understand how stereotyping can affect close relationships. When an individual uses stereotyping in a negative way, this in return negatively affects the relationship. This can lead to major problems in the long run. In Sweet Home Alabama, it is easy to see that false stereotypes lead to judgments reflecting badly on relationships. The clip shown of Sweet Home Alabama starts off with Melanie Carmichael, a fashion designer who is about to have her first runway show.After the runway show she has to go with her boyfriend, Andrew, to an event involving his mother, the mayor of New York City. On the way, Andrew surprises her with an engagement proposal. Although she says yes, she asks to keep it a secret until she can visit her parents. He agrees to let her visit home by herself to break the good news to them, before letting it become a public announcement. This is until his mom notices the engagement ring on Melanie’s finger and freaks out. Pictures of the three of them spread to all of the tabloids saying they’re engaged!She takes the first plane back to Alabama. This is when we find out that she actually has a husband, Jake, who refuses to sign the divorce papers. Although she is determined to get him to sign the papers, he still turns her down. He calls the sheriff and Melanie gets sent to jail where she has to call her parents. Her dad picks her up, and she tells them about the engagement. Melanie’s parents do not seem to approve, as they have not seen her since she left Jake seven years ago. They still think that her and Jake should be together. Many things can lead to a false judgment on another person.One term in particular that often leads to judgment and interpersonal communication problems is stereotyping. Stereotyping is to take a general characteristic of a certain group, and assume that every individual that belongs to that group takes on that characteristic. People stereotype bec ause it simplifies the process of perception. Once you find out that a person belongs to a certain group, it’s easier to just assume they take on the implied characteristics that go with that group to form an easier impression. This often leads to problems, because it â€Å"leads us to form flawed impressions of others† (McCornack, 2010, p. 00). An example of this is the idea that all African Americans are criminals. A person that is stereotypical would see an African American on the street and be scared that they are going to mug them. As you can see, this hurts the process of interpersonal communication. It hurts the process because if someone judges everyone they meet based on a stereotype, it will be hard for them to connect with anyone. It will also be difficult to for interpersonal relationships with others. In one specific scene of Sweet Home Alabama, Melanie has just arrived at Jakes house to ask him to sign the divorce papers.After she says that she needs them signed so that she can get on her way and go home, he refuses. He tells her to go home and see her parents before he even will consider talking about signing the papers. He then goes inside as she replies, â€Å"Jake, you dumb stubborn redneck hick, the only reason you won’t sign these papers is because I want you to! † He exclaims, â€Å"WRONG! The only reason I ain’t signing is because you’ve turned into some hoity toity Yankee bitch, and I’d like nothing more than to piss you off! † Throughout this whole ordeal, the two are making facial expressions depicting anger and annoyance.Also they are extremely verbally aggressive towards each other. In this scene, both Melanie and Jake use stereotypes against each other. Melanie calls Jake a redneck hick, saying that he is stubborn and stupid. This could be considered a stereotype because the label redneck hick is often associated with being stupid and hard headed. In the heat of the moment, she uses this to relieve anger and insult Jake. He then rebuttals by calling her a Yankee bitch and saying she has become hoity toity. People from the north or â€Å"Yankees† often have the reputation of being arrogant and rude.Jake is calling her a hoity toity Yankee bitch because he thinks that since she moved away she has become someone she’s not. Although they used to be in love and married they use these hurtful stereotypes to get their point across. The point of the stereotype usage is to hurt the other and the outcome is anger and even a little hurt. Melanie and Jake’s communication was competent in some areas, while incompetent in others. When it comes to appropriateness, they would both be incompetent. In the situation that they are in, both should be calm and acting like adults.Although many divorces get ugly, initially signing the papers should generally be done in a civilized manner. Instead they both would be considered as having low- self monitors bec ause they are just stating exactly what is on their mind. However, in terms of effectiveness they were both competent in their instrumental goal. Melanie gets it across very clearly that she wants Jake to sign the papers, while he makes it clear that he doesn’t plan on signing them. For the couple’s self-presentational goals they are clear that they do not like each other very much when they begin fighting.Melanie shows that she wants Jake to sign the papers so she can get on with her life. She wants to break the connection between them and she attempts to, but fails at her relational goals when Jake won’t sign the papers. He succeeds at his relational goals in that he does not want to give in and sign the papers ending their marriage. When it comes to ethics, they were both extremely hostile and over exaggerated leading to incompetency in this category of interpersonal communication. In order to have had more competent communication, Melanie should have been ca lm and composed when asking Jake to sign the papers.When he began to refuse, she should have reasoned with him and gotten him to agree without using judgmental words towards each other. As shown in Sweet Home Alabama, stereotyping others can lead to false judgments and even hurt feelings. This portrayed in the scene that I chose to analyze. Melanie and Jake made false stereotypes about each other by calling one another hurtful names that did not apply. This taught me that although it is just easier to assume stereotypes are true, you should not always be so quick to judge. paper 1 grade sheet introduction (4 pts. ) Did you describe the purpose of your paper?Did you mention the concept you will be analyzing? Did you adequately describe what happened in the movie excerpt? introduction4 pts. possible_____ body (28 pts. ) Did you clearly and correctly define and explain the course concept you selected? Was your explanation complete enough for the sake of understanding the later analysis ? course concept explanation7 pts. possible_____ Did you give a concise, yet vivid, description of the relevant scene(s) you selected for analysis? Was your explanation of the communication behaviors accurate and detailed with respect to the relevant verbal and nonverbal messages? cene & communication description7 pts. possible_____ Was your application and analysis of the course concept complete, thorough, and accurate? Did you discuss how the communication impacted relational outcomes between the characters? interpretation & analysis7 pts. possible_____ Was your evaluation of interpersonal communication competence insightful? Did you address appropriateness, effectiveness, and ethics in your analysis? Were your recommendations for improvement specific, accurate, and relevant to course material? IPC competence & recommendations7 pts. possible_____ conclusion (4 pts. Did you do a nice job of summarizing your paper and analysis? Did you explain what you learned from conducting the an alysis? Was your explanation insightful? conclusion4 pts. possible_____ general writing issues (4 pts. ) Is your paper well written? Is it free of typos, spelling errors, and other proofreading mistakes? Is your paper coherent, thorough, complete, and informative? writing4 pts. possible_____ concept approval (-4 points) Did you neglect to secure approval of your chosen concept by your TA’s specified due date? If so, 4 points will be deducted from your grade. TOTAL (out of 40 pts. )_____

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Development of Motivation Theory in Business Essay - 1

The Development of Motivation Theory in Business - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Maslow’s theory asserts that people are motivated by the quest to satisfy their needs or deficiencies. Maslow grouped needs into five categories with the needs occurring in a specific hierarchy where the lower needs had to be satisfied before advancing to those of higher order. Physiological needs are basic survival needs like food while safety needs are personal security needs such as the need for a steady job. Social needs are social acceptance and support needs while egoistical needs are desired by an individual to be valued by others. Self-actualization is the aspiration of an individual to acquire the finest out of his/her abilities. From the hierarchical system, Maslow deduced that those needs which had already been satisfied no longer provided motivation for action. Due to lack of empirical support for Maslow’s theory, Alderfer postulated the Alderfer’s Existence-Relatedness-Growth (ERG) theory, which condensed Maslow’s n eeds to three. These three needs were existence or physical survival needs, relatedness or social needs and growth or need for personal growth and development. Alderfer, however, did not insist on a hierarchical system rather he claimed that the needs ought to be experienced simultaneously. Alderfer’s theory got more appeal from practitioners and had greater empirical support. Though the needs theory has limited empirical support, some of its assertions like the self-actualization principle have gained currency among managers and executives who perceive this high-level need as a potent motivator. Herzberg claimed that motivation emanates from the job itself and not from other external characteristics. He explained that those factors leading to job satisfaction or motivators are distinct from those that cause job dissatisfaction; that is, hygiene or maintenance factors. The hygiene factors are factors surrounding the task which do not lead to satisfaction but prevent dissatisf action if well maintained. Examples of such factors are job status and remuneration.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Marijuana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marijuana - Essay Example Teenagers are naturally inquisitive, one of the justifications given for this age group experimenting with drugs. They also are inclined to become bored easily and experience recurrent emotional highs and lows, all probable factors in teenage marijuana use. Drug use increases the chance that teenagers will contract a social disease, become pregnant, perform inadequately in school and attempt suicide as this paper will examine. State and Support Three Claims Adolescents are in a more vulnerable life circumstance than are adults because teens are still developing in every facet of their lives. Regrettably, it is this same group that has the most access to marijuana as schools have become prolific illegal drug stores. Statistics collected by the National Institute on Drug Abuse demonstrate that schoolchildren have easy access to drugs and alcohol. â€Å"The average age of first alcohol use is 12 and the average age of first drug use is 13. Almost two-thirds of all American young people try illicit drugs before they finish high school† (Anderson, 1996) The relationship between illegal drug use among teens and an increased occurrence of sexual activity is a broadly accepted reality by both researchers and the general public. Many studies have time and again demonstrated an association between unsafe sexual behavior and illegal drug use by teenagers. Drug users are more prone to take risks than do teens that don’t use drugs. This may be an obvious assertion but a tendency to take unnecessary chances with their health combined with a lowering of inhibitions while on drugs and the inherent need of all teens to feel accepted by their peer group leads to increased sexual activity. This problematic circumstance also enhances the chance of teens having multiple sexual partners, having sex at an earlier age and decreases the odds that they will utilize contraception than those that do not use marijuana. â€Å"Teens 15 and older who use drugs are five times mo re likely to have sex than are those teens who do not use drugs and teens who have used marijuana are four times more likely to have been pregnant or to have gotten someone pregnant than teens who have never smoked pot† (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 1997). Teenagers are more emotionally unstable younger children and adults which explains the higher suicide rate among that age group. A study involving teenagers found that of those who attempted suicide, illegal drug abuse was the most often shared aspect of their lives. Of the teens that committed suicide, 70 per cent were regular users of illegal drugs and/or alcohol. However, this study and current research reveal that drug use alone may not instigate suicide just that drug use and teen suicide is statically related. Teens who experience emotional troubles to a higher degree than their classmates have an even greater likelihood of considering suicide and to use illegal drugs. Additionally drugs could magnify a pre-existing emotional condition and â€Å"may impair the judgment of teens considering suicide, making suicide attempts more likely† (Shaffer et al, 1996). Discussing Arguments: Dialogue The majority and probably all countries of the world face the steady trafficking of illegal drugs across their borders. Countries are increasingly realizing that the illegal importation of drugs, a criminal act, generally involves people of foreign origin, is ultimately more harmful to society than is the use of drugs

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Kinship System of Yanomamo Culture Assignment

The Kinship System of Yanomamo Culture - Assignment Example This system of kinship is based on bifurcate merging. In this system of kinship, though the institution of marriage remains closely confined to the family, it sternly prohibits marriages between parallel cousins. It is just because the Yanomamo people tend to hold kinship so dear that they tend to form groups and manage intergroup relationships by resorting to alliances and warfare (Simpson & Kenrick, 1997). The Yanomamo people tend to organize themselves locally relying on the patrilinial decent. The depth of the lineage groups seldom extends more than three adult generations. Individuals are not allowed to mention the names of their dead as it is considered to be inauspicious (Simpson & Kenrick, 1997). In a practical context it means that the name of ancestors and the human ties associated with them are soon forgotten. Marriage to more than one woman is considered by the males to be a symbol of social status. The social life is woven around striking relationships between groups either through alliances or warfare. Both these methods of striking relationships involve the exchange of women between groups and it is mostly this exchange that gives way to violence and warfare. The Marriages alliances involve a marriage between two groups belonging to two different tribes. In the Yanomamo system of kinship, the individual loyalty and allegiance of a tribe member automatically passes on to the tribe in which that member marries (Simpson & Kenrick, 1997). Perhaps Yanomamo adhere to this kinship going by the need for the males to help tribes survive in an environment marked by scarce resources. Yanomamo people also tend to forge feasting alliances with tribes that are not united by a marriage, but are also not divided by aggression and war. In a broader context the Yanomamo idea of kinship originates from their philosophy that considers nature to be a unified and sacred force, marked by its power to

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Gay Lesbian Parents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gay Lesbian Parents - Essay Example That reality suggests that the children of gay and lesbian couples can experience healthy and normal psychological development were it not for societal tendencies towards discrimination, on the one hand, and the innate tendency of children to react negatively to uniqueness, or difference, on the other (Ahmann, 1999). In other words, while homosexual parenting does not, in itself, limit a child's capacity to undergo a normal psychological development process, the fact that it unfolds within societies which, despite public statements to the contrary, are innately protective of the traditional family structure and biased against same-sex families, detrimentally impacts the child's opportunities for healthy development. Through a review of the arguments on either side, the research shall attempt to prove the stated argument. Western societies, despite the prevalence of laws upholding homosexual rights tend towards negative conceptualisations of homosexuality. The anthropologist, D. Gilmore (1990) asserts that societal acceptance of sexual orientations is ultimately defined by the prevalent culture and cannot be dictated by laws. Insofar as Western societies, whether as a consequence of historic or religious traditions, define homosexuality as a practice which falls from without the bounds of normalcy, if not outright abnormal, it is inherently incapable of comprehending the possibility of children of same-sex parents as anything other than underprivileged. The fact that this is not necessarily the case and that the aforementioned perception is ultimately predicated on the dominant culture's perception of homosexuality as abnormal is validated by evidence which effectively proves that cultures which perceive of homo and hetero-sexuality as equally normal, have no prejudices against the concept of same-se x parenting (Gilmore, 1990). In other words and as further emphasised by Halwani (2002), culture dictates perceptions of homosexuality and, as a result, invariably affects the children of same-sex couples. The fact that culture, concomitant with traditional definitions of marriage and family, inexorably influence perceptions of the stated relationship and, as such impact the psychological development of the children concerned, is evidenced in a plethora of commentary on the phenomenon. The law, for example, clearly defines marriage and the family unit which is subsequently formed as a "union of man and woman uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within a family" (Johnston, n.d.). Religion, similarly defines marriage and family, consequently maintaining same-sex unions and families to be a harmful deviation from the norm with incalculably detrimental psychological effects on the children concerned (Richardson, 2004). In other words, there exists a predominately negative perception of the same-sex family unit insofar as culture, religion and the law combine to define it as abnormal. That in itself will limit the possibilities of healthy psychological development for children with gay or lesbian parents. Psychologists have determined the existence of a strong likelihood, as evidenced by empirical fact, that children who grow up with same-sex parents can

Friday, October 4, 2019

How the Internet has changed my Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How the Internet has changed my Life - Essay Example 329). I, for a fact, had once never thought that in an instant I could have build friendships with people from different parts of the globe without even spending much money and without fearing that I might be rejected. The Internet has really changed my life and me to something I never thought it could be. Through Internet, I learned to communicate with other people; even with those, I was once afraid due to my cultural biases, which in turn has also drastically changed my negative views. I could say that this has broadened me almost in all ways. If before I only considered myself as an American citizen, now, I became a citizen of the world, because through the Internet, I was also exposed to world realities. Although it might be true that just like in the news, not everything written is true, still these provide me with a broader view of the bigger world where I live. It, in fact, helped me become analytical with events, driving me to search more until I could find explanations to information that I found confusing. This in the process aroused my hunger for truth and knowledge, which I believed helped me become wiser and sharper. Although I did also have some unpleasing experiences in the Interne t, these did not bother me at all, instead taught me how to be more responsible and careful in interacting through the

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Management Planning Paper Essay Example for Free

Management Planning Paper Essay The Boeing Corporation is the world’s leading aerospace company and is the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners as well as military aircrafts. Boeing has teams that manufacture missiles, satellites, defense systems, and communication systems. NASA turns to Boeing when they need something and Boeing operates the International Space Station. Boeing has a broad range of capabilities and skills, which is probably the reason they are the world’s leading aerospace company. With the Boeing headquarters in Chicago, more than 170,000 people in 70 different countries find themselves employed with the corporation and most of them hold a college degree (Boeing Corporation,  2012). It takes many hard working employees and managers to make Boeing a successful corporation. This paper will discuss the planning function of management, analyze the influence of legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility and their effects on management planning. I will also analyze factors that influence the company’s strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning as they relate to the Boeing Corporation. The planning function of management is the process of setting goals within the corporation that are expected to be achieved over a set period. Therefore, Boeing got to be the world’s leading aerospace company by setting such goals. The Boeing Corporation has engineer departments, sales departments, mechanical departments, and product testing departments among a few others. Each individual department will have set goals put in place by corporate and guidelines regarding how they should achieve the desired goal for each project. Each goal is designed for each department to become the most efficient in their levels. There are six steps in management planning. The steps listed in provided course materials are situational analysis, alternative goals and plans, goal and plan evaluation, goal and plan selection, implementation, and monitor and control (Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell,  2009). Step one gathers and summarizes information that is in question. It examines current conditions with an attempt at forecasting future conditions. Step two generates alternative goals that may be used as an alternate if the first desired plan does not ork. Step three evaluates the potential of the alternative goals and prioritizes/eliminates ones that might or might not work. Step four in management planning is the selecting of goals believed to be most appropriate and feasible by the managers. Step five implements the goals and plans into action by managers. Goal achievement is likely to be linked to the organizationâ₠¬â„¢s reward system to encourage employees to achieve the goals and implement plans properly (Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell,  2009). Step six is essential in making sure goals and plans are met. If the goals and plans are not monitored and controlled managers would not know if they were ever met successfully. Boeing the huge corporation that it is has had its fair share of legal issues. The corporation has to pay special attention to detail when it concerns obeying the laws and regulations in regard the manufacturing of aircraft. The planes must be tested for safety and flying ability before they ever hit the mainstream public. Notices on the aircraft tell passengers when they should be buckled and when it is considered safe to unbuckle. Engineers have to provide manuals for the aircrafts in case any issues may arise when in use. Ethical issues come into play when Boeing makes bids to other corporations like the military or NASA. They are not allowed to charge prices that people believe to be unfair or make any changes after things have already been agreed upon. This means that the sales department has to plan how much they want to sell their product for. The main corporate social responsibility that Boeing has is safety. They have to engineer items safe for the public to be on/use. With Boeing being the world’s leading Aerospace Corporation, millions of people rely on the use of their products. That means that engineers have to know the latest safety information and managers have to make sure that they put the safety information to use. Strategic planning is used by the Boeing Corporation when making new aircraft and other items. They have to figure out how to market their item just right so that buyers will be interested in it. This planning has led Boeing to make planes more efficient and comfortable for passengers to ride on. Tactical planning is organized for competition, such as Airbus and demand for product. Boeing is a competitor of Airbus, which is another aerospace engineering corporation. Boeing has to be aware of competitor’s new products and when they will be released. This means that they have to formulate and release products either better or more efficient than the competition’s. Operational planning identifies the specific procedures and processes required at the lower-levels within an organization (Thomas S. Bateman, Scott A. Snell,  2009). So within the Boeing Corporation this would be those who deal with the delivery schedules and human resources departments. Every plane that takes off or leaves an airport has to be scheduled and the arrival/departure times displayed so that the public is aware. Human resources is responsible for the hiring/firing of Boeing’s many employees and any issues consumers may have with a product or service. If someone believes that they did not have a good experience in the flight he or she would call the resource department, and the department would most likely do everything in his or her power to make the person feel better. Contingency plans are put in place in case of any challenges that may arise when making their products. A good example of Boeing’s contingency plan is in 2008 they were trying to produce 40 aircraft a year but the United States hit an economic crisis. This meant that Boeing had to cut back their number of aircraft being created so they did not feel the effects of the economic crisis. So Boeing did not become the world’s leading aerospace corporation by doing nothing. It took hard work, planning, and management. There are six steps in management planning that corporations follow to try to ensure their survival in a competitive world. Boeing has had its fair share of legal and ethical issues and tries to abide by the rules and regulations for safety set forth by the goverment. Boeing tries to keep a strategic plan when creating new products and a tactical plan on how to market their items.

The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People English Language Essay

The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People English Language Essay In todays competitive world, looking for your next advantage is an ongoing exercise that requires a commitment to continuous improvement, reflection and a candid belief that the process of learning never ends. Some say that the day that you stop learning, is the day that you stop living and so comes one of the great minds on personal development, Dr. Stephen R. Convey author of the critically acclaimed book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to assist with that process. Before our analysis of 7 Habits, I will provide some information and background on the author, Covey. Covey is the author of several books including the international best seller, 7 Habits, a book named the #1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century and one of the top-ten most influential management books every. The book has been sold more than 15 million copies in thirty-eight languages throughout the world. Dr. Covey holds a M.B.A from Harvard University and a doctorate from Brigham Young Univer sity, where he was a professor of organizational behavior and business management.  [1]  With such esteemed credentials, the book 7 Habits presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. In his writings, Dr. Covey defines a step-by-step framework for living and working based on fundamental principles that provide the reader with the wisdom and power that change reveals and creates.  [2]  The book is divided into four primary sections, first principles, Private Victory, Public Victory and Renewal, through which revealing seven effective habits that one should pursue if they are to be effective in their professional and personal lives in bring about change. The following analytical essay seeks to describe each of these seven effective habits and analyze each of them would apply in ones life, be it professional or personal. In his first chapters, Dr. Covey seeks to set out the fundamental framework for all other Habits are based on, Principles. These habits represent the internalization of correct principles upon which enduring happiness and success are based.  [3]  Covey establishes the need to create a paradigm shift that involves changing the way we view the world. The events may be completely identical, however, the manner in which we view and interpret them need to be altered in order to make a problem situation into an opportunity i.e. make lemons into lemonade. This very same concept was demonstrated while attending a new release film, featuring Aaron Eckhart and Jennifer Aniston titled Love Happens. In the film Eckhart, an author of a book on self motivation, takes a group of readers down into the streets of Seattle into the middle of a busy intersection, stopping traffic and then asking the group of people to describe what they see in an effort to demonstrate an important point. Traffic! No ise! Honking! Cursing! Anger! Frustration! Concrete buildings, shouted the people from the group as they stood blocking busy downtown traffic. Eckhart, then took the group of people back into the hotel up to the rooftop and once again asked the same question, Now describe what you see, asked Eckhart. Sunshine, rivers, horizon, open roads, HOPE!. Eckhart went on to describe the very concept that Covey describes as he opens the papers to his book on 7 Habits a shift in paradigm, changing your view of the world and good things will follow. What you are seeing is the same (i.e. the city) but seen from different perspectives (i.e. street vs. rooftop) and consequently they offer a different feeling and outlook on life. The first step in 7 Habits begins with the author moving the reader to shift our perspective. An additional example of this is illustrated by Convey by presenting two photos (one of an old lady and one of a young woman) combined into one where the viewer, since they were e xposed to one or the another of the pictures only sees the original picture that they were exposed. In his writing, 7 Habits explores a principle-centered, character-based, inside-out approach to personal and interpersonal effectiveness. Inside-out means to start first with self; even more fundamentally, to start with the most inside part of self with your paradigms, your character, and your motives.  [4]   I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life conscious endeavor, Henry David Thoreau. The chapter on Habit 1 describes principles of personal vision and the paradigm of Being Proactive. The Habit of Being Proactive is described as achievable through first learning to control our language and avoiding the use of reactive phrases. Lets compare and contrast reactive and proactive phrases: theres nothing I can do versus lets look at our alternatives, I have to do that versus I will choose an appropriate response. The next mechanism under Habit 1 is being aware of the Circle of Concern/Influence. This concept is best explained using the illustration below: Circle of Influence Proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence. They work on the things that they can do something about. The nature of their energy is positive, enlarging and magnifying, causing their circle of influence to increase. Reactive people, on the other hand, focus on the Circle of Concern. They focus on the weakness of other people, they problems in the environment, and circumstances over which they have no control. Their focus results in blaming and accusing attitudes, reactive language, and increased feeling of victimization. Focusing on this, will result in Circle of Influence to shrink.  [5]  Building on the vision of self-fulfilling prophecy, leveraging the power of positive thinking, combined with control over our language to help yield positive results, with the opposite also being true, negative thoughts will result in the same. We control our happiness, since it starts and ends with the state of mind and in a position of power or influence, one can only be e ffective if he/she makes strides to radiate this energy. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us, Oliver Wendell Holmes. Under Principles of Personal Leadership, Covey introduces Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. This Habit describes the idea of a paradigm built on four primary factors, power, security, wisdom and finally, guidance. There are several others including money, family, work, etc but I will chose to focus of the first four. The four factors are described to be interdependent and when present together, harmonized and enlivened by each other, they create the great force of a noble personality, a balanced character, a beautifully integrated individual. The location of these factors on the continuum, the resulting degree of their integration, harmony, and balance, and their positive impact on every aspect of your life is a function of your centre, the basic paradigms at your very core. Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least, Goethe. Habit 3 develops the Time Management Matrix, through a habit titled Put First Things, First. The idea behind this habit is primarily, prioritizing based on whether the task is important versus not important and urgent versus not urgent. Being a person of influence and being effective in life is based on your ability to operate effectively with finite resources. There is never enough time to do get it all done. But making the best with what you have and focusing on the important and urgent matters will lead to effective leadership. The next set of Habits revolves around securing the Public Victory and migrating from Independence to Interdependence. This migration involves moving the interests of the many into a cohesive set of values, concepts and vision. As summarized by Samuel Johnson, the paradigms of interdependence are best noted through the following quote: There can be no friendship without confidence and no confidence without integrity. Within his discussions on paradigms of interdependence, Convey wrestles with several philosophies related to building cohesion with individuals and describes the Emotional Bank Account, a concept that notes relationships require that one make frequent deposits through courtesy, kindness and keeping commitments. These deposits, are needed in the journey to effectively mobilizing individuals and creating interdependencies in relationships. What makes you effective as an individual, is not necessarily true as a leader leadership is not management and it is important to dis tinguish between them. As a leader, responsible for the vision of a group, it is needed that you have the support of your team and draw on the reserves (withdrawals) from the emotional bank account in order to maximizing the return of your planned assignment and/or project. We have committed he Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit it to life, Edwin Markham. Habit 4 Think Win/Win is an eye-opening concept that looks to build synergies between individuals by teaching one to change their frame of mind and heart to constantly look for mutual benefit in all human interactions. This means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial, mutually satisfying. With a Win/Win solution, all parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan.  [6]  The paradigms of interaction through Win/Win are divided into six sections in order to assist an individual avoid the traps: Win/Win, Win/Lose, Lose/Win, Lose/Lose, Win and finally Win/Win or No Deal. The specifics of each individual paradigm are a bit too detailed and perhaps out of scope, however, I conclude analysis of this concept with an observation that each person must work hard to understand the interest of all parties if they are to arrive at resolutions that secure longevity in commitment to the cause, project, relation and so forth. Representing each parties interests when arriving at resolutions, serves to ensure that the diversity of concept allows for the needed commitment to ensure that the initiative is seen through. Win/win as described by Covey is not a personality technique. It is a total paradigm of human interaction. It comes from a character of integrity and maturity. It grows out of high-trust relationships, embodied in agreements that effectively clarify and manage expectations as well as accomplishment. It thrives through supportive systems built on culminating and supportive environment built to last with humility and self determination. The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of, Pascal. In the chapter of Principles of Empathic Communication, Covey simply breaks down the process of effective communication into the most basic definition which is listening for the purpose of understanding. This effort, described in Habit 5 as Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood works to explain to the reader that effective people listen more than talk. Hence humans were created with two ears and only one mouth, right? Covey sets out the principles and defines under the act of ignoring, pretending, selective, attentive and finally empathetic. Under each of these definitions of listening the ultimate goal is to first set out understand what the other partys main idea and decode it using effective methods of using probing questions, being empathetic to the other persons position and them moving into seeking to be understood. A common trap everyone is victim of. No one wants to be misunderstood, may it be cultural or language, non-verbal distractions effecting the transmission of ones message the goal and failure are closely linked to the receivers ability to properly listen to what and how the message is being delivered. As a receiver, be the first to lead by working hard to understand the ultimate goal of what is being said, then recapping what is being said to provide the sender with a certain level of comfort, then set out to deliver your message. Sometimes when I consider what tremendous consequences come from little thingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I am tempted to thinkà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦there are no little things, Bruce Barton. The 6th and the third in the process of transferring from Independence to Interdependence, Convey introduces the Habit of Synergizing. Synergy is a natural part of nature. Our ecosystem is built on the synergies between environment, the elements, its inhabitants, all working in tandem to support the renewal and progression of the natural world. Family life provides many opportunities to observe synergy and to practice it, says Covey in his chapter of Principles of Creative Cooperation. The very way a man and a woman bring a child into the world is synergistic. The essence of synergy is to value differences to respect them, to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses. The differences between the genders in this example, support the concept of strength in diversity through synergizing since each one person nu rtures a self-esteem and self worth that creates an opportunity for each to mature into independence and gradually move into interdependence.  [7]  Synergizing requires a high level of trust and cooperation to mobilize effectively. It is a natural being of the highest complexity that comes from creating an environment conducive to a network connected with the raw emotions of human trust, cooperation, belonging, all combined together to make for a sustainable goal of achieving a common objective. There is no real excellence in this entire world which can be separated from the right living, David Starr Jordon. The 7th and final Habit, is Sharpen the Saw, the very idea that we began with continuous improvement and self reflection. Though we may think weve mastered the 6 Habits to effective people, we must remained honest in knowing that we will always need to look back and reconsider how were interpreting the world in order to continue to progress effectively. This is the commitment is to preserve and enhance the greatest asset you have you.  [8]  This is represented by renewing the four dimensions of your nature physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional. The four dimensions of yourself are the elements that form and sharpen your character and well being. Mental Dimension, like your physical being, requires exercise and proper nutrition in the form of literature, writing, strategic thinking and formulating ideas through the written word. Social/Emotional Dimension is gratified through giving back to society in service, charity, being empathetic to those in need and giving back in one form or another. Spiritual Dimension is belief in an absolute truth that formulates the greater purpose in this life. This is fundamental trust and belief in a greater Being that helps to make sense of what cannot be logically explain of life events. The Physical Dimension is the primal need to preserve your physical well being through exercise, proper nutrition and a sound outlet to overcome and manage the stress of life. Seven Habits. Neatly organized in three hundred and seven two pages, supported with examples and personal insights by one of the most acclaimed business academics of the modern age. Where does the thesis of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People stand in my mind after reviewing it in thorough detail? Simply, I agree. Covey is not the first or the last to write a self help book, looking to organize the soft elements of life into nice boxes and short lists that people are can follow to find the great answer to lifes struggle. But 7 Habits isnt just about cute habits organized in boxes. It starts with building on a fundamental concept etched with something everyone needs to be successful in their affairs personal principles. Covey never looks to advocate the laundry list of principles that one should follow to govern their decision matrix. The underlying principles must be based on ones own personal values. Each individual has a value set based on the elements that their life has exposed them to. Regardless of your personal faith, gender, even professional or academic background the principles and Habits outlined by Covey transcend to provide the reader with a scripture and guide that they can use to be more effective in their life, both professionally and academically. No one will ever define the formula of life, but we can train ourselves to understand the decision making paradigms to help make more consistent choices that mobilize first ourselves as individuals, then those interdependent organizations seeking unity and synergy towards that shared objective. 7 Habits is not a self help book, its a book of self reflection to help oneself achieve what they are destined to become. Starting with understanding our personal values, Covey moves the reader through Private Victory: Dependence to Independence by mastering Being Proactive, Beginning with the End in Mind and Putting Fist Things first. Public Victory: Independence to Interdependence by mastering think Win/Win, Synergize, Seek First to Understand, then Be Understood. And that invaluable commitment to continuous improvement and preserving your essential being with Sharpen the Saw. Is 7 Habits the best book I have ever read? Not really. Does it present ideas never considered? No. Then, what makes it great? The unity, simplicity and trust in you as a reader to find the answer within yourself. It takes a wise person, one with an MBA from Harvard perhaps, to understand that you cannot possibly write a book that would transcend 30-some languages and millions of copies with a message that would be applicable to all. It is the courage to provide a framework tailored to personal and individual values that allows everyone to consider this a guiding light to greater prosperity.